Monday, January 7, 2008

Cullinan out in the cold

SA pressure forces SuperSport to silence top commentator because of links with rebel league.

Daryll Cullinan was withdrawn from SuperSport’s commentary team for the second and third Tests against the West Indies after his accreditation was revoked by Cricket South Africa.

Cullinan said he received a letter from CSA in which it was stated that his accreditation was being withdrawn because it was felt inappropriate that he commentate on official cricket when he had an involvement in the unofficial Indian Cricket League.

CSA president Norman Arendse said the decision was taken by the board’s management committee.

“We accredit media representatives to report on official cricket. As a member of the International Cricket Council we felt it was entirely hypocritical to have a commentator who was effectively participating in rebel cricket.”

Arendse said the active participation of Cullinan as coach of the Kolkata Tigers was the issue because it put him in the same situation as six South African players who are currently excluded from domestic cricket after playing in India.

Tex Texeira, head of production for SuperSport, said a meeting was planned with CSA in the near future. “We would like to be able to resolve the issue because Daryll is a top-class commentator,” he said.

Texeira said, however, that the former Test batsman had been aware that there might be problems.

“Daryll approached us and told us that he planned to go to India,” said Texeira. “We felt it wasn’t the right thing to do. We have a strong relationship with CSA and the International Cricket Council, who are both opposed to the ICL.

We therefore drew up a document stating that we were happy to let Daryll go to India but that should there be repercussions we had the right to terminate his contract with SuperSport.”

Texeira said that “about a week ago” SuperSport received a letter from CSA in which the cricket body expressed its unhappiness about Cullinan doing commentary.

“Our partnership with CSA is very strong and after discussions with Daryll it was decided to take him off our team for the next two Tests.”

Cullinan said he was “disappointed” by the decision, although he admitted: “I was aware that my going to India was a concern to SuperSport. I will wait and see what happens at the meeting between the two parties.”

Arendse confirmed a meeting with SuperSport would take place as soon as Imtiaz Patel, the television company’s head, returned from holiday.

Arendse said the players who went to India were not banned but they were in breach of contract because they had not been released by their franchises.

“That is why they are not playing for the remainder of the season. We are taking it one step at a time. If a player wants to come back we would have to deal with it. We need these guys playing in our cricket.”

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